I put this little chart together while trying to understand Retina displays. It helps to see the different sizes of displays. Honestly, I want to do as little work as possible to…
Going Retina
I read this article by @supernapie https://supernapie.com/blog/support-retina-with-phaser-3 and it convinced me I could go Retina. I spent most of the time figuring out how to scale my text, charts and buttons. It was…
Create a Phaser 3 Button Class
I made a new button by extending the Phaser 3 Container class. It uses a configuration object that passes two values to the constructor. scene: and style: You can see how they…
Pluto Attacks ver 1.0
My 13 year old son and I spent the summer learning how to program games in Javascript. It was lots of fun and we learned how complicated it is to write games…
Pluto Attacks ver 0.3
Pluto is not happy that Earthlings have demoted it’s status to Dwarf Planet and they are doing something about it. They discovered a trick in the space time continuum to give them…
Pluto Attacks ver 0.2
Pluto Is A Planet! The Plutonians are not happy with the current status of their planet. Those crazy Earthlings think they can just lower the status without consequences. They are wrong, Pluto…
Pluto Attacks!
Pluto Attacks is a simple, fast paced, endless shooter based on a example from phaser.io. Very similar to Space Invaders, but simpler and harder at the same time. Lots of explosions. Let’s call…